Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mary Black - Soul Sister


After attending a local celebration of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King today I was alone walking down the hallway and a little boy about 3 yrs old was walking towards me with his arms wide open looking right at my eyes ( I thought for sure he would stop and realize he didn't know me).. but no, he reached right up to me and we hugged even though we didn't know each other.

Solar Energy

Solar Basics
Energy from the Sun

The sun has produced energy for billions of years. Solar energy is the sun’s rays (solar radiation) that reach the Earth. This energy can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity.
Radiant energy from the sun has powered life on Earth for many millions of years.
FYI Solar Power Can Be Used Almost Anywhere at a Variety of Scales

Low-temperature solar collectors also absorb the sun's heat energy, but instead of making electricity, use the heat directly for hot water or space heating in homes, offices, and other buildings.
Even larger plants than exist today are proposed for construction in the coming years. Covering 4% of the world's desert area with photovoltaics could supply the equivalent of all of the world's electricity. The Gobi Desert alone could supply almost all of the world's total electricity demand.


My dear friend said what I couldn't but what I feel..........


With love from my heart to yours......
The Institute of HeartMath (IHM)http://www.heartmath.org/ is a nonprofit research and education organization helping people of all ages reconnect with their hearts. For nearly 20 years IHM has made scientific advancements in stress reduction, the power of positive emotions, heart-brain interactions,

Fred Rogers

From the wisdom of Fred Rogers:Look and listen carefully
Fred created the Neighborhood series with an intentionally slow and deliberate pace so that children had time to look and listen carefully. There were many close-ups, few camera changes…and lots of silence.
I know you’re under a great deal of pressure to “teach” children, but think about what it can mean when you slow down the pace, letting children take the time to look and listen – to digest and integrate.

Bunny Lore

A wonderful informative read for those that like to celebrate spring with the symbol of the bunny.
Terri Windling's article, "The Symbolism of Rabbits and Hares" in Endicott Studio's Summer 2005 Journal of Mythic Arts

Stevie Wonder

I always love Stevie Wonder and here everyone sings to him! Happy Birthday all you
Part 20 of Stevie Wonder's Birthday Celebration LIVE at Wembley Arena in London 1989. Everyone else sings his Happy Birthday. Complete set in 22 parts.

Help our Earth

The Earth is our mother.. we must take care of her!.
In a political move that would make John Locke’s head explode, Bolivia is poised to pass a law that would grant nature equal rights with those afforded humans. The Law of Mother Earth is expected to usher in a radical new conservation policy against pollution and exploitation. - 2011/04/10


Are you a poet? Now you can be..........
LitWorld invites you to add your voice to the Global Poem for Change at http://litworld.org/poem in celebration of Poetry Month 2011. Help our words soar around the world! Writer Naomi Shihab Nye has started off the poem with the first line: I send my words out into the air, listening for yours from

thoughts on parenting

How do you help children develop language skills -- through your everyday conversations with them, by responding and rephrasing what they say, and by asking them open-ended questions.

Peace Pilgrim

This is a powerful documentary about an extraordinary woman. At age 44, Mildred Norman left her life circumstances and became Peace Pilgrim -- walking coast to coast for peace for nearly 30 years...

Radio Youth

Community Radio gives a Voice to the Youth of all Ages!

Trashion as Fashion

A new idea of the Fashion world!
You might want to think twice the next time you discard that Saran wrap box or empty detergent bottle, lest it end up as a source of material for a fashion show. " 'The Trashion Show' is a fashion show using recycled or...

Grandma Moses

To share your story, you’ll need to write it. That may sound like an ambitious project, but it really isn’t. The folk artist Grandma Moses said, “I have written my life in small sketches, a little today, a little yesterday, as I have thought of it.”
The ordinary experiences of a woman’s life, told in ordinary language, creating a history as legitimate as those told in books.


I reflect on all my travels with a new understanding of who I am. I traveled with a searching, for something I did not know? Something outside myself..yet I finally came to a place while traveling on a train in Europe that I asked myself "Why am I just passing these miles?" I realize now, that I had to go...to go...to see all I could to fulfill my soul's quest for reasons unknown. I am satisfied that I am who I am because of my travels..

Monday, July 11, 2011

Earth Fashion

True Garden Clothing!
By Kimberley Mok, TreeHugger More from Guest Bloggers blog Environmental art doesn't necessarily have to be restricted to a pile of rocks stacked together by Andy Goldsworthy -- it can also take the form of wearable, fashionable, and socially…


We saw this in the distance when we were driving home from gramma's house...I went back to take a photo 5 minutes later and it was gone!!!!!!!!!!

You Go Girl

Cool equal rights commerical featuring Batman, Robin and Batgirl. Batgirl wants equal pay from Batman or she'll let them blow-up.

4th of July

Steaming the potatoes for homemade potato salad in the wee hours as to not heat up our house when it is in the triple digits tomorrow! Not sure I can make it as good as my mom's ..but I will try...and kudos to me as my kids say mine is the best! Doesn't everyone say their mom makes the best potato salad? I guess it pays to keep some traditions..


Realizing my yard will not always be strewn with toys set aside by living childhood! I can accept the whining voices knowing one day they will find the words! Hearing "It's your fault mom" at this tender age already, yet knowing one day they may learn not to blame others! Giving Thanks for the present


Mermaid blue and hot pink are the colors of the day!

my favorite Santana song

Today I rediscovered my favorite Santana song "Everything is Coming Our Way"...I searched to find a live version but to no avail....and I came across this video which has exquisite photography.....Check it out and listen to the words to the song! I wish them for all!

A Journey Begins

I have always loved to write and as time has passed my journal has too many gaps..so I am leaping into the cyber blog world.